Give a Candidate Access to the GOTV Report on Your Website

If your county has a VR Tower website, certain files—including the EViD Get Out the Vote (GOTV) report—can be automatically posted to the website for retrieval by candidates. The files are placed in a secure area accessible only to the candidate with a login account created by the elections office.

Prior to creating the GOTV report, you will need to set up each candidate with a website account and set the option to receive the report. Then you will need to set up the report to automatically place a copy on your website for retrieval by candidates with a properly set-up account. Both procedures are described below.

If the candidate already has a login account for the Candidate Financial Reporting web service, they can use that account to access the files, but you will need to follow the procedure below to attach their Voter Focus record to the account. If the candidate does not have a login account for Candidate Financial Reporting, the procedure below will create one.